University of North Texas Online Degrees & Courses


Take courses and earn your bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas online, on your own time.

University of North Texas Online Degrees & Courses


Take courses and earn your bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas online, on your own time.

Learn more about UNT offerings on Coursera

All of these degree programs and courses are 100% online and flexible.

Full Bachelor's Degree Offerings

Bachelor of Applied Arts and SciencesOpens in a new tab (B.A.A.S.) This degree is intended for transfer students with a minimum of 30 transferable credits hoping to complete a degree.

Bachelor of Science in General BusinessOpens in a new tab (B.S.G.B.) Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) this business degree is intended for students with 45 or fewer transferable credits.

Non-Credit Open Course Offerings

CommunityJoin a community of over 100 million learners from around the world
CertificateLearn from more than 200 leading universities and industry educators.
Confidence70% of all learners who have stated a career goal and completed a course report outcomes such as gaining confidence, improving work performance, or selecting a new career path.
All courses include:
  • 100% online
  • Flexible schedule
  • Mobile learning
  • Videos and readings from professors at world-renowned universities and industry leaders
  • Practice quizzes

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