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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions by University of Alberta

1,438 ratings

About the Course

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects
take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in so many ways.
From beneficial interactions like pollination and biological pest control, to the transmission of life threatening diseases; this course will teach you
about the big ways that these little arthropods impact our lives. In Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions, you will be plunged into the diverse
(and sometimes alien) world of arthropods to learn how they work, what they do, and how insects and humans interact every...

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Very interesting and specially the anchors of this course are very enthusiastic and encouraging throughout the course so my focus is maintain for bugs and surly I will search more on insects further.


Feb 4, 2020

Excellent course! Content-rich and very informative both as a learning experience for the insect enthusiast or beginning entomologist as well as an excellent review for the practicing entomologist.

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76 - 100 of 602 Reviews for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions

By Corinne F

Mar 7, 2021

I have always been interested in insects and other Arthropoda. This course was super interesting. I enjoyed every minute of it. For those that are indifferent or think insects are boring you really should give this course a go. If more people learned about these tiny (in most cases) animals and realize their extreme importance and contribution to our own lives we would be doing all that we can to maintain their diversity on our planet. Fascinating stuff!

By Pedro M P

Jan 9, 2021

A very pleasant, informative and interesting introductory entomology course. The supplementary reading material is very useful.

I recommend this course to high school science teachers and to interested high school students. It is also a good course for naturalists and entomology enthusiasts who have not received formal entomology training. The syllabus helps put context and relations to knowledge acquired informally and through personal explorations.

By Muhammad F

Jul 26, 2020

Amazing course that covers the whole basics of Entomology. It was quite insightful course. The most fascinating part for me was Cultural Entomology. I would like to acknowledge the presenting staff especially Ilan dominich who helped understand the course with his insightful replies in discussion forum. I would like to encourage the students of Entomology in particular and Biological Sciences in general to take this insightful course. Happy learning :)

By Mustakim M

Dec 27, 2020

Though I study Entomology as part of my courses in Bachelor in Agriculture Science syllabus, I learnt a lot more through the journey of Bugs 101 course. Now I'm feeling very sad that, it ended! I have created an online local Entomology group to spread my gained knowledge among people who have negative thoughts about insects. Thank you so much, my beloved mentors, for this amazing course. You teach incredibly well & easy enough to catch & understand.

By Andrey P S

May 2, 2020

Verdaderamente ha sido un curso fantástico. Los insectos y muchos otros artrópodos son seres increíbles a los cuales deberíamos de prestar mucha más atención de la que les hemos brindado. Mediante este curso es posible comprender el rol que estos organismos desempeñan en nuestro planeta. Como seres humanos tenemos la responsabilidad de amar y cuidar a estos organismos que al igual que nosotros únicamente buscan sobrevivir y ser mejores como especie.

By Gil H

May 21, 2020

A very comprehensive course. I studied Entomology way back. This course was much more than a refresher, introducing aspects of human-insect relationships that I had never thought about. My attitude to insects has not changed but I am now much better equipped to influence other people and bring them around to appreciate these small creatures which are so important to all life on earth especially to humans and that we must promote their conservation.

By Styliani K A

Jul 9, 2024

Amazing!! This is an amazing and well structured course. It is beautiful to see how much detail and attention was paid to the videos and course notes as well as all the additional material. It was full of knowledge and gives a very good understanding of insect life and importance. I was already positive about insects but learning all this made me more open minded and caring towards these animals. Thank you to everyone that worked on this course!


Jan 13, 2023

In the early 1970s, I pursued a degree in Natural Resources at Ohio State, but I stayed away from the Entomology / Insects courses because I considered the topic to be too involved and intimidating. It's now 2023, and I feel that I have slayed that dragon with the completion of "Bugs 101" as presented by the University of Alberta. The course teachers, assistants and outside experts took a heavy topic and made it accessible, interesting and fun!

By Karis D

Jun 25, 2020

Excellent introductory entomology course. The course title is somewhat misleading, since more than half of the modules are focussed on insect biology and behaviour rather than insect-human interactions; still, the modules are thoughtfully constructed, beautifully illustrated, and clearly explained.

Highly recommend for anyone with a keen interest in learning or brushing up on insect biology, physiology, or behaviour--this is a great resource!

By Ehsan S

Jun 1, 2020

I am an entomologist and at the end of my Ph.D. I would say that this course is fantastic! Cover all the details an amateur entomologist or a curious person might need to know. The language is very easy and the scientific content is highly accurate. I do really surprise that found lot of super interesting fact to learn as an entomologist. In the end, appreciate all the people who provide this valuable and easy to read the content.

By Arinaitwe r

Mar 3, 2025

I call everyone to get interested in studying Bugs which are insects,it an interesting courses thank to the university of Alberta for bringing this free course, as an animal keeper working with Al Ain Zoo in UAE . Handling insect production live meal worms supper worms crickets Dubai Roaches and locusts it has helped me to improve production as this items as given to animals a like Reptiles, Birds carnivores and sand cats

By Angela G

Oct 12, 2022

I took this class to learn more about bees. I did learn some things, however, would have liked more for my purposes. The class was excellent. I did learn a lot about the natural processes from insects, insecticide use, and agricultural practises, so that was great. The instruction was awesome and the guest speakers were great as well.

This was a well rounded class, not sure about week 12 :) but I did learn something!

By Vic Q H

Sep 22, 2019

This was an awesome course. It was very well planned. The teachers were fantastic and I loved the interviews with the specialist in different field. I am sad that the course is now over. I would love to take more courses on insects or other arthropods with the University of Alberta. The material is amazing! Thank you so every single person who was involved in the planning and teaching of this course.

Vic Quesada Herrera


Jun 12, 2020

I have learned more about insects. When I was a child, I only knew a few - grasshoppers, dragonflies, butterflies, beetles, bees, cockroaches, mosquitoes, lice and fleas. They seem no importance to me before. Actually, I only see them as pests. But this course helps me a lot in understanding their way and impact to our lives. There is no regret of spending my lock-down time studying insects through this online course.

By Jeri S

Aug 22, 2022

I initially took this course as research for a novel I'm writing (Cicadas: A Totally Ordinary, Epic Love Story), in which one of the main characters is an entomologist. The course was perfect not only for that purpose, but it also rekindled my childhood fascination for insects, zoology, and ecology. I am now continually spouting fun facts about insects to anyone who will listen, which makes me great fun at parties.

By Abigail E

Jun 23, 2020

An excellent course. Very detailed information covering so many different aspects of insect anatomy, behaviour, ecology, and interaction with humans and the environment. The lectures and other course materials are very interesting and well organised. The lecturers are great at explaining the information, and their passion for the subject is clear and compelling. I really enjoyed this course and have learnt a lot.

By Yohann T C B

Jul 20, 2020

After finishing the course, I can only smile with a tear in my eye as I have never appreciated insects so much before. They are very complex and that's what makes them fun to learn. Thanks to this course I have found a new love for invertebrates in general. I am even considering changing my field of specialization because of how interesting and important arthropods are. Thank You University of Alberta!

By Freya F

Jul 15, 2020

Amazing course!!! All the lecture videos, readings and other supplementary materials were easily accessible, effective and engaging. I learned quite a bit about a number of species I'd never heard of and a few applications of entomology I'd never thought of before. Each module brought more interesting facts with it about insects and everything else. Thank you, it was terrific and well worth the effort!

By Al G

Jul 18, 2020

This course was amazing! Every lecture is engaging, the supplementary reading is fun, and it's all put together very well. I learned so much! I didn't even know how much I didn't know about bugs before starting this class, so each new topic was a delightful learning experience. I would recommend this course to literally everyone. We all live with and rely on bugs, so we should learn more about them!

By Steve M

Jul 15, 2020

This was an exceptionally well presented course, one of the very best Coursera courses I have completed so far. The instructors were not only extremely knowledgeable, they were also very enthusiastic and capable presenters. The course programme was very well constructed and presented a wealth of information in a very accessible format. I learnt a lot and have rediscovered my love for entomology.

By kate m

Nov 20, 2019

I truly enjoyed this class. All of the instructors were very good & obviously quite passionate about the subject. Their lectures and the visual information were well presented and easy to understand. The individuals who were 'guest speakers' were knowledgeable and their information was always interesting. I take classes for the pleasure of learning new things and, boy, have I learned a lot!!

By Cynthia H

Apr 30, 2020

This was the most comprehensive course! Not only did I get a very in-depth education about arthropods, but learning about Integrated Pest Management was enlightening and opened my eyes to the many ways in which we can avoid using chemical pesticides in favor of nature's pest control. Loved it. Planning on returning to the lectures many times in the future to cement this knowledge in my mind.

By Amy T

May 31, 2020

I have always had an interest in insects, and they appear in my job, but had limited knowledge. I found this course during the Covid-19 lockdown and thoroughly enjoyed doing it online. The mix of videos, course notes and interactive activities made the course so much more interesting, introduced me to a range of modules and the enthusiasm of the tutors has been contagious! Thank you :)

By Thomas J A

Sep 16, 2019

I enjoyed this course and learned a lot -- I've had a lifelong interest in insects, but have never studied entomology and don't work in the sciences. Even in sections I thought I already knew a lot about -- the honeybee module, for instance -- I always ended up learning something. Also, when my kids were younger, they/we were big John Acorn fans -- glad to see he made an appearance!

By Diana W

Jul 24, 2020

It was a very enjoyable course. The amount of information thought by this course is overwhelming but very interesting. I think that people should know about many of the modules in this class and it would be beneficial to have a shorter more basic version for public in general. The instructors presentation skills were very good, their way of talking was very clear and at a good pace.