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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions by University of Alberta

1,355 ratings

About the Course

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in so many ways. From beneficial interactions like pollination and biological pest control, to the transmission of life threatening diseases; this course will teach you about the big ways that these little arthropods impact our lives. In Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions, you will be plunged into the diverse (and sometimes alien) world of arthropods to learn how they work, what they do, and how insects and humans interact every day. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe the evolutionary relationships between insects and their arthropod relatives Inventory major groups of insects and their diversity Demonstrate evolutionary adaptations that make insects successful Discuss insect biology and human-insect interactions Evaluate positive and negative interactions between insects and humans Propose practical and symbolic roles insects play in human societies...

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Very interesting and specially the anchors of this course are very enthusiastic and encouraging throughout the course so my focus is maintain for bugs and surly I will search more on insects further.


Nov 19, 2020

An absolutely fantastic course with logically set-out modules and enthusiastic, inspiring and engaging presenters. Very useful for anyone involved in Science outreach and/or widening participation.

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201 - 225 of 568 Reviews for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions

By Georgia W

May 14, 2020

Brilliant course. Well put together, with loads of information crammed in, but in an easily digestible and engaging format. Would recommend to anyone interested in insects, or wanting to learn more about them.

By Barbara Y

Mar 21, 2022

The course was a bit challenging for someone with no science background but I managed! It taught me about so many interesting aspects of insects and their interaction with humans and role in the environment.


Jun 24, 2022

Great course with wonderful instructors. The information contained in each module was exciting and interesting. Building insect knowledge has been an informed delight and will pass it on to others. Thank you

By Anna K

Dec 27, 2020

one of the best things I could do in the year 2020: taking this phenomenal course and learning about entomology. I'm thrilled that this course has increased my admiration and sharpened my focus for insects.

By Kaitlyn L

Jul 20, 2023

An awesome course for beginners interested in entomology, very informative, very well laid out and easy to learn, the instructors are obviously passionate about the topics they teach, 10/10 would recommend

By Victor C

Jun 21, 2020

Excellent Presentation in video clips & reading materials.

Never will I have a chance to learn all about insects if I have not gone through a formal course in a university. A real bonus. Thank you so much

By Richardeau

May 7, 2020

Très bon cours, dynamique avec de très belles photos. La partie transcript est très bien faite et permet de relire des mots parfois inconnus (pour les étrangers). A recommander en ces temps de confinement!

By Camila T Y

Mar 1, 2021

It was an amazing course, which revolved around different aspects of insects. You can learn abour their eating habits, reproduction, importance in our daily lives, human culture and much more. I loved it!

By Richard G

May 1, 2020

It's an amazing course !! I learned so much about insects ! All was perfect for me : organisation, quality (pictures, videos, etc.), teacher and other intervenants. Thank's a lot for this very nice mooc !

By Ara P

Jun 8, 2021

It is a super interesting and accessible course for people who do not have previous knowledge in biological sciences. Personally, I had a hard time because of the language, but it was a great experience.

By Mandeep K

Oct 24, 2020

It was very interesting. I love the way they portray all the entomological topics in one short course. Thank you. I want to buy this course' certificate but i am not getting it. kindly someone help pls.


May 9, 2020

the course was very informative and i enjoyed learning more about insects! The instructors are amazing in their way of explanation and every module wrap up was truly an inspiration to go to next module!

By Stefan S

May 9, 2020

Excellent course. Well documented and articulated. Excellent work putting this course together. I have enjoyed all the videos and text material and learned a lot of new things about the insect world.

By sarah c

Jul 20, 2020

Superb course , loved it great speakers made all information interesting and easily understood. Great work University of Alberta . These courses are for everybody with any interest what so ever.

By Ann W

Jul 5, 2020

I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about these fascinating creatures. I now have thirst for more and will continue learning about insects (not sure where yet). Thank you University of Alberta.

By Pu J

Jul 3, 2020

At first I was just very curious about the little bugs, but with this course I discovered many aspects of the insects and other arthropods and they are really fascinating. Thank you very much!

By Sebastian L R

Feb 13, 2021

This has been such an amazing course! It is really great for anyone interested in learning more about insects and how they are connected to the world! Would recommend this 10/10 to everyone!

By Elliot R E

Dec 15, 2020

This was an amazing course, it was very educational. One of the few entomology courses that knows what it is doing! The videos were great, and the quizzes made sense. I highly recommend it!

By Yee S O

Jun 16, 2021

Very fun introductory course to insect with detail notes, interesting interviews with people working insects (both research and entrepreneurship) and challenging (but not difficult) quiz.

By Eoin B

Sep 20, 2020

excelllent course, with some fantastic and interesting facts about bugs and their importance within society. well worth the time and effort to complete the course if this is your interest.

By Gaurav B

Oct 16, 2023

This is the most immersive online course I have taken. I would like to convey my sincere gratitude towards University Of Alberta, Entomology department for this amazing learning material.

By Malinga H

Jun 16, 2023

It was a great time to study online this course as all of lectures done their best effort to explain theories and concepts. I have gain huge amount of knowledge. Thank You and Best wishes

By Laura A A

Jul 30, 2021

It was an amazingly well done online course. Thank you to everyone involved! I hope I can visit the Bug gallery at the Royal Alberta Museum, as well as the University of Alberta, someday.

By Ellen P

Nov 8, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and felt that it was really well executed. I would consider taking other courses. The lecturers were knowledgeable and articulate. Excellent--Thank you