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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions by University of Alberta

1,355 ratings

About the Course

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in so many ways. From beneficial interactions like pollination and biological pest control, to the transmission of life threatening diseases; this course will teach you about the big ways that these little arthropods impact our lives. In Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions, you will be plunged into the diverse (and sometimes alien) world of arthropods to learn how they work, what they do, and how insects and humans interact every day. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe the evolutionary relationships between insects and their arthropod relatives Inventory major groups of insects and their diversity Demonstrate evolutionary adaptations that make insects successful Discuss insect biology and human-insect interactions Evaluate positive and negative interactions between insects and humans Propose practical and symbolic roles insects play in human societies...

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Very interesting and specially the anchors of this course are very enthusiastic and encouraging throughout the course so my focus is maintain for bugs and surly I will search more on insects further.


Nov 19, 2020

An absolutely fantastic course with logically set-out modules and enthusiastic, inspiring and engaging presenters. Very useful for anyone involved in Science outreach and/or widening participation.

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126 - 150 of 568 Reviews for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions

By Omnipresent M

Oct 5, 2020

Thank you so much I am an aspiring entomologist (although only 13) and was finding difficulty discovering a course about insects that fit my age group as I am very passionate I had to wildly jump around things and self teach myself and it was really nice to be guided and learn a lot of new things!

By Bill K

Feb 4, 2023

A very interesting and informative course. It was well-presented and gave a well-done perspective on those "critters" which we, in most cases, assume as pests and not a valued family, along with plants, including especially algae, as a necessity for life on this planet.

Well worth taking course.

By Sophia H

Mar 5, 2021

I love this course! It has completely changed my views of insects and how important they are. This course has inspired me to explore nature and photograph as many insects I can find, and help any injured ones I can. I am striving to become an entomologists myself and help insect conservation.

By Anne-Lise D

Nov 29, 2020

After having taken multiple online courses, this one was the richest in term of provided knowledge. Its design and creation were taken very seriously. It offers strong support orally, visually and on paper. This must have been a real job to achieve for the team: very well done and thank you!

By Nancy M

Mar 10, 2020

Excellent course! I really enjoyed the lay out of the material and the freedom to complete each module through out an entire week. Makes it enjoyable and practical for anyone working while taking this course. The information was educational and up to date. Good Job delivering this course.

By Jessica B

Jan 2, 2020

I was hoping to develop a understanding of the little creepie crawlies and gain some appreciation for them which I did - still not a huge fan yet more gratefull we have them. A very insightful course and nicely spread out not overwhelming to digest. Thanks to those involved. very well done

By Jennen S

Apr 20, 2021

I went into this course terrified of most little "creepy crawlers", but find I am most fascinated with them. This course was just wonderful all around and I appreciate bugs more, I also feel much braver. Thank you for this incredible opportunity to be able to take this course for free.

By James B

Oct 25, 2019

Excellent and in-depth summary of the many ways in which insects impact our daily lives. I found the portion of their effects on crop management both as pests and biological controls particularly exciting! Highly recommend to anyone with an interest in expanding their knowledge base.

By Caroline L

Jan 18, 2022

Great course! Tons of information--you really get out of it what you put into it. I found the lectures easy to follow and there were plenty of opportunities for me to do a deeper dive into certain concepts that were touched on in videos but not explored in-depth. I learned a lot!

By Fran S

Aug 19, 2019

Although I've always rather liked bugs, after having taken BUGS 101, I have a much deeper appreciation for the value of insects in my daily life and for the importance of insect life in the entire ecosystem.

The course was well-organized, well-presented, and absolutely valuable.

By Shubham K

Jun 14, 2020

Thank you for this wonderful and informative course, I've learned a lot and i still am willing to learn more. Thanks to this course, now I'm more curious about what creeps and crawls around me and what benefits or harms it can cause and how I can manage them... Thank you....

By Nien K

May 6, 2021

Fantastic course, I learned so much about insects! This course gave me a whole new appreciation for the insect world. The instructors and the interviewed experts were truly inspiring in their enthusiasm and knowledge. I would definitely recommend others to take this course!

By Winnifred W

Jun 27, 2020

This course was amazing! I recommend it to people with some background in biology. You do not just learn the benefits of insects and other arthropods. You learn how to preserve these tiny wonders. What you do not see or barely see in the wild, effects your life every day.

By Dorothy J

Sep 29, 2019

Very informative and interesting. I liked the topics from what bugs are, to how they are managed, and then cultural aspects. It is giving me a new way to look at what is in my backyard, where if I need to do a little pest management, I don’t need to use strong pesticides.

By Mrsdsease

Jan 5, 2021

I really love insects and it was a really informative course, very concise and well structured. The concepts were very clear and the additional material was very helpful. Congratulations to the university of Alberta, it's academics and the team that produced this videos.

By Josh C

Nov 23, 2020

This was perfect for me as a side-course to take in the evening after my kids and work have been completed. I learned much more than I expected, and really enjoyed the lessons from the whole team! Would definitely recommend to anyone who's remotely interested in insects.

By Melanie d M

Dec 23, 2019

Thank you so much for such an informative and fascinatingly awesome course! I've learned so much and gained an even bigger appreciation for these amazing creatures! I would highly recommend this course to everyone, from beginners to professionals working in conservation.

By Aavash A

Jan 5, 2021

The course was really insightful. The conversation with different experts from their respective fields makes me aware of the scope of entomology. After completing the course I have developed much respect for insects and I aspire to be a good entomologist in the future.

By Mary C

Dec 2, 2020

I would recommend this course for everyone who cares about sustainability and the environment. It is an excellent course which is very well presented. Also, the visuals are fascinating. I've always liked insects, but now I have an even greater appreciation for them.

By Georgios K

Dec 20, 2019

I totally enjoyed this course! It was a great experience! All the instructors had done a great job and everything was understandable and clear. I learned a lot of new things and I am very happy that I had the opportunity to obtain this knowledge! Thank you very much!

By M J B

Nov 26, 2020

This was an enlightening, intriguing, thorough, challenging, balanced entomology course that was scientifically presented. The quantity and quality of supplementary readings was outstanding, and the course notes are absolute keepers for future reference and review.

By Raiyan M D

Jul 15, 2020

It's a great course for anyone who loves insects, and my gosh must I say that the prepared summary slides for each chapter is AMAZING! I am an environmental science uni student at James Cook University, and the quality of our slides do NOT even come close to these!


Jun 20, 2020

It was an amazing course. I want to do it again, jeje. The information that you have is of excellent quality. I would like to do my master's degree at Alberta University with all of you. The interviews are great. Congratulations for an amazing and wonderful course.

By Carol M

Dec 20, 2019

A very interesting course. It really opened my eyes to the fascinating world of insects and our interactions with them. The myriad adaptations that insects have made is mind boggling. Another very well done course from the University of Alberta! Thanks Coursera!

By Gerry S

Jul 14, 2021

I am taking the WV Master Naturalist Course and this course counts towards my elective hours. It was excellent ... as a non scientist I struggle with scientific terms but this course instructors were excellent. I found their feynman learning style refreshing!