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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions by University of Alberta

1,355 ratings

About the Course

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in so many ways. From beneficial interactions like pollination and biological pest control, to the transmission of life threatening diseases; this course will teach you about the big ways that these little arthropods impact our lives. In Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions, you will be plunged into the diverse (and sometimes alien) world of arthropods to learn how they work, what they do, and how insects and humans interact every day. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe the evolutionary relationships between insects and their arthropod relatives Inventory major groups of insects and their diversity Demonstrate evolutionary adaptations that make insects successful Discuss insect biology and human-insect interactions Evaluate positive and negative interactions between insects and humans Propose practical and symbolic roles insects play in human societies...

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Very interesting and specially the anchors of this course are very enthusiastic and encouraging throughout the course so my focus is maintain for bugs and surly I will search more on insects further.


Nov 19, 2020

An absolutely fantastic course with logically set-out modules and enthusiastic, inspiring and engaging presenters. Very useful for anyone involved in Science outreach and/or widening participation.

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176 - 200 of 568 Reviews for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions

By Liza v G

Feb 17, 2020

Thank you very much. What an interesting course!

Good teachers and nice interviews. A lot of beautiful photo's.

Insects are nearly everywhere in the world. They are very important for our ecosystems.

My favorite is the Humble Bee.

By Josefina A

Mar 17, 2020

The amount of topics covered and the simple way they are presented without watering the science is impressive. I learned many new things and the course have me interesting in obtaining more details. I hope the is a Bugs 102 soon.

By Sarah B

Jul 31, 2020

This course was extremely well done!! The instructors are amazing and the content was very interesting. The interviews were an lovely treat as well. I have a much greater understanding and appreciation for bugs now. Thank you!!

By Franky A

Feb 2, 2021

The only course of its kind that I could find anywhere. The instructors are fabulous and the amount of content for the price is crazy! I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to become more involved with insects academically.

By Maureen P

Nov 16, 2021

An excellent course. Very interesting from start to finish. Engaging presenters and some great interviews with experts. Totally accessible for beginners like me, but also, I would imagine, of interest to anyone in the field.

By Andrew G

Sep 7, 2020

This was really a good course. Interesting and well structured. I studied Ento in 1985 before, shifting to agronomy. This was a good refresher and I was surprised how well this course was compiled. I will give you guys 10/10.

By Radha N

Jul 11, 2020

This course gave a fulfilling insight into the world of insects and insect related research which is easier to understand even by layman. The love towards insects shown by the instructors towards the insects was heart felt.

By Raymond I

May 3, 2021

Loved the course. Great facilitators! Learned so much...more aware, more thoughtful and much more appreciative of insects and our relationship (i.e. dependence). Thanks so much for opening up a whole new world of insects!

By Roseanne M

Jul 7, 2020

This course is so great! The instructors are really enthusiastic about the topic and provide so many examples and photographs. I really love how they interview people from different fields and transform opinions on insects.

By Dexter W

Sep 16, 2019

Even after my BSc and MSc in Biology, I learned some new things! I really enjoyed the depth of information and the clear and easy to understand explanation.

I'm going to incorporate this in my high school teaching very soon!

By S M P

Jun 15, 2020

Wonderful course on insects. Organized content and beautiful teaching. Learnt a lot about insects from the basics to how they influence our ecosystem and many more important roles of insects which I had not known earlier.

By Dr. A N B

Jun 1, 2020

More intrusting and useful to the budding entomologist. I thank to the entire team for offering the wonderful course during this pandemic period and I request the University of Alberta similar courses offer in the future.

By Edgar O R R

Jun 17, 2023

Excelente curso para introducirse al mundo de los bichos y adquirir distintos conocimientos de insectos desde diversos tópicos como los ecosistémicos, biológicos, agrícolas, socioeconómicos, culturales, entre otros más.

By Maria P

Nov 11, 2019

I was very impressed with this course, the material was selected and presented in a way that allowed a beginner like me to both learn new things and become thoroughly fascinated with the world of entomology. Thank you!

By Md. M H

Apr 26, 2021

Absolutely it is a nice course about basic entomology. As a student of entomological science, I learned many new things clearly by the nice presentation of topics. Thanks to all instructors and the course coordinator.

By Gregg L

Oct 4, 2020

loved it! in depth and informative i felt like i got to know the instructors on a personal level and enjoyed the regiment of learning. i would highly recommend to any one with even a passing interest in entomology.

By Maureen O

Feb 15, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. Not only was the quality of tuition fantastic, the presenters are obviously passionate about insects, and this conveys to the learner, making the experience even better. Thank you!!

By Monica N

Aug 24, 2022

I am very much grateful that I found this online course while browsing. It helps a lot for me to learn more about Insects. Now I am very much interested and soon I will start to collect Insects and preserve them.

By Eva K

Jan 21, 2021

Really interesting! Also for a UX/Service Design/ Design thinking hahaha! I learned a lot and know a lot more to keep my garden healthy and to be part of saving our environment. Not easy but well worth it ! Thanks

By omnaren v

Apr 9, 2020

I really think this course will be useful in my future aspiration of being a zoologist.the tutors were really nice . and I know much more about bugs than before

though I would want the tutors to smile more often :)

By Moses F W H

Aug 4, 2020

This course is very interesting, and it goes through most of the topics from the structure of insects to entomophagy. Other than that, the interviews are very informative. I learned many things from this course.

By Kathy P

Mar 8, 2021

Wonderful Course. Challenging and very informative. I always thought bugs were interesting but never realized how much!! A new world of Bugs has opened up for me!! Thank you so much for providing this course!!

By Jenny M

Oct 16, 2020

What an amazing course, so much information explained in a clear and concise manner. I now really have the bug for BUGS. Thank you all so much, I'll be recommending this course to anybody who will listen to me.

By Basil V

Aug 26, 2020

Very interesting and useful course to anyone who is interested in entomology. They have explained everything in understanding and simple manner. Anyone out from this field ca also easily understand this course.

By Owen M

Aug 3, 2021

I already knew a lot about insects and other invertebrates, but this course helped fill a lot of gaps in my knowledge. Instructors were very engaging and informative. The material felt right for a 101 course.